Features - Interviews
190 results

Interview: Steve Geary on raising House of Rohl's banner in the UK

As House of Rohl opens the doors to its new Design Centre Chelsea Harbour showroom, Amelia Thorpe talks to vice presiden...

InterviewFeatures Thu 23rd Sep 2021

Interview: Tom Dixon reveals what inspired his Liquid range for VitrA

As Tom Dixon launches his first ever bathroom collection, produced in collaboration with VitrA, he tells Amelia Thorpe a...

InterviewFeatures Thu 16th Sep 2021

Interview: Craig Matson on TKET's proposed apprenticeship degree

As he drives forward a new Government-funded kitchen design degree apprenticeship, chair of The Kitchen Education Trust,...

InterviewFeatures Tue 14th Sep 2021

Interview: MD Steve Jones on what Sirius can offer – that others can't

Sirius Buying Group MD Steve Jones talks to Amelia Thorpe about the Group's best year to date, and how membership offers...

InterviewFeatures Tue 7th Sep 2021

Interview: Graham Robinson: 'Lockdown proved you do need a showroom'

Wigmore Street showroom Halcyon Interiors turned 40 this year. Tim Wallace talks to showroom and design manager Graham R...

InterviewFeatures Wed 1st Sep 2021

Interview: We airlift product to keep stock levels high, says JTP CEO

Times may be tough when it comes to supply, but having a wide range with products in stock is driving growth at tap and ...

InterviewFeatures Tue 31st Aug 2021

Interview: Isabel Fernandez on Quorn Stone's focus on expansion

As natural stone tile specialist Quorn Stone announces the opening of a new showroom in Surrey, director Isabel Fernande...

InterviewFeatures Tue 24th Aug 2021

Interview: Stephen Ewer on why it pays to take a proactive approach

Bathroom Brands Group CEO Stephen Ewer reveals his plans for continued growth in market share, and talks to Amelia Thorp...

InterviewFeatures Mon 23rd Aug 2021

Interview: Rangemaster's big plans to broaden its sink portfolio

Rangemaster may be best known for its range cooker collection, but growth in its sink portfolio offers kitchen retailers...

InterviewFeatures Thu 12th Aug 2021

Interview: Kaelo inventor Kevin Jabou on his opportunity for retailers

With his Kaelo wine-chilling invention, Kevin Jabou has achieved a remarkable thing – he's designed a new product, and...

InterviewFeatures Mon 9th Aug 2021

Interview: Retailer Amir Kamiabi on expanding into home interiors

The COVID pandemic has triggered a change of strategy for Teesside kitchen studio Haus of Design. Not only has owner Ami...

InterviewFeatures Thu 5th Aug 2021

Interview: Clive Christian's Phil Cole on the new Garden Kitchen

A new outdoor kitchen for Clive Christian Furniture represents a major development for the brand, as global head of sale...

InterviewFeatures Mon 26th Jul 2021

Interview: Sales are good, but we need new product, says Duncan Waters

As he reports strong sales and launches a new showroom in Tunbridge Wells, West One Bathrooms MD Duncan Waters tells Ame...

InterviewFeatures Tue 20th Jul 2021

Interview: Now is the time to get behind the kitchen design degree

Charged with revalidating the kitchen design degree, established six years ago at Buckinghamshire New University, course...

InterviewFeatures Wed 14th Jul 2021

Interview: Kitchens International MD Gerry Watson's new plan of action

By joining the brand portfolio of timber specialist James Donaldson & Sons (JDS), Scottish independent retailer Kitchens...

InterviewFeatures Mon 12th Jul 2021