How choosing a sustainable brand can help you sell

KitchensFeatures Sun 21st Jan 2024 by Sponsored

How choosing a sustainable brand can help you sell  Sponsored

How choosing a sustainable brand can help you sell

Sustainability has become a pivotal aspect of the modern kitchen or bathroom business, with companies recognising the need to adopt eco-friendly practices to cater to consumer demands, meet legal requirements and contribute to a healthier planet. At Caesarstone we recognise the increasing consciousness among consumers regarding their buying habits, especially in the realm of home design. However, our efforts are about more than just meeting consumer demand or ticking off sustainability buzzwords, as a leader in the design and manufacturing of premium worktops, Caesarstone have made a commitment to sustainability that we feel goes far beyond just ticking boxes.

Part of that commitment involves being entirely transparent in our sustainability efforts. That includes ensuring we are working with third-party certification bodies such as Declare so we are not marking our own homework as such. It also involves detailing our sustainability journey and evidencing our progress. To that effect, we delivered our first Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report in 2020 and recently released our first ESG Progress Report for 2021-2022 providing a comprehensive overview of our efforts and showcasing the evolution since the inaugural report. You can read more about our progress here:

Throughout our conversations with K&B businesses, we often hear things like ‘all quartz is the same’ or ‘it doesn’t matter which brand you choose’ and it’s fundamentally untrue for so many reasons. Behind the scenes Caesarstone are dedicated to rigorous supply chain management; thorough testing and certification of our products; and providing our K&B customers with the customer service and support that they need. We pride ourselves on transparency and ensure all the certifications and evidence our customers need to make an informed decision on our products is readily available via our website and unlike unbranded quartz manufacturers, we have a UK-based team available to answer questions, give guidance and provide support should any issues arise.

Furthermore, partnering with Caesarstone allows you to sell with confidence, knowing that we offer a Lifetime Warranty on all residential installations. Longevity is another element that is top of the consumer wish list, not surprising when kitchens and bathroom renovations are two of the most expensive home projects. It’s important that you and your own customers are confident you’re installing something that will look beautiful for years to come and not cause headaches further down the line.

With sustainability firmly in end consumers’ minds, offering them an eco-friendly solution for their kitchen is sure to be a winning factor when it comes to their decision making. So, if you’re looking to increase your appeal to the ever-growing number of sustainability conscious consumers this year, then get in touch to find out more about our products and how we can work together – [email protected].

Tags: kitchens, features, caesarstone, worktops, work surfaces

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